SMHe25: Smart&Mobile Health

In the name of International Institute of TeleMedicine’s (IITM) Chairman, Prof. Francesco Sicurello, we are pleased to invite you to the Smart&Mobile Health International Workshop (SMHe’25) that will take place hybrid (on-line and on-site) on January 31th 2025 at  Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication DISCoand / Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Call for papers and participation deadline is January 16th 2026.

Workshop topics:

  • Sensors, biodevices, wearable, Implantable
  • Electronic patient record and Medical data bases
  • Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) & Telemonitoring
  • Tele-Home care and integrated Digital Health
  • Robotics and telerehabilitation
  • Stimulation and Regeneration
  • Mobile, smart media and prevention
  • Social media and health promotion and education
  • Social network and Apps in healthcare
  • On line Community in medicine
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
  • Sport andTelemedicine

Call For Papers


TeleMediCare 2024

We are sharing invitation to TeleMediCare ‘24 (Tele-Medicine & Tele-Care) Conference For International Cooperation on Global Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This year event will also include:

  • XVIII Seminario Nazionale (Italian National Workshop) Dall’Ospedale al Territorio, ruolo dei Poliambulatori specialistici, Case della Salute, Medicna di Base nelle Prevenzione, Monitoraggi sanitari e Riabilitazione, Campagna e Giornate di Prevenzione e Salute.
  • XIV – International Workshop for Elderly People, Chronic Diseases, Fragility and Disability, Biosensors, IoT, Robotics, Telemonitoring, Telerehabilitation, AAL-Ambient Assisted Living.

Even is organized in form of On-Site and On-Line Meetings, on October 2-3 2024, at Città di Desio-MBm / Desio City. Last CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline is September 1st 2024.


EMMIT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I am proud to invite you to the Mediterranean Meeting of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (EMMIT 2024). This year, its 20th edition, will be held September 13-14 in Sicily at the municipality of Raffadali-Agrigento in on-site and online mode, during the pistachio festival and as part of the Med Inclusion Week. Conference program is attached [1].

The title given this year is Artificial lntelligence, One Health and Digital Health, applied in particular to the prevention, control, telemonitoring and telerehabilitation of chronic diseases and to the prediction of diagnostic and therapeutic developments of pathologies.

The meeting is freely open to members of GIAM [2], the Italian Group of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and to the Euro-Mediterranean members of EMMIT [3]. At the end of each session, national of Guam, and international of EMMIT, on September 13th in the afternoon, we will hold assemblies to discuss future initiatives and projects and renew the organizational and scientific Board. If you wish, old and new affiliates may participate, in good standing by early September with the membership, see attached membership forms to its scientific communities.

Hoping for participation, I send
Kind regards
Francesco Sicurello
President Iitm/Emmit

[1] EMMIT 2024 Conference Program.
[2] GIAM Membership Form.
[3] EMMIT 2024 Membership Form.

OL2A 2023

Responsive image

The International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications (OL2A 2023) [1], will be held at Ponta Delgada (Portugal) and online, 27-29 September 2023.

The conference is focused on the challenges of optimization and learning methods and their applications; it will bring together scientists and engineers, providing the international research community in optimization and learning with an opportunity to present, discuss and publish recent research results and approaches, to develop new ideas and collaborations.

The conference program will feature special sessions and oral sessions.

All submitted papers will pass through a multiple peer-review process and will carefully be evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition.

Conference proceedings will be published in SCOPUS indexed Springer-Verlag Book Series, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).
