AI Without Borders: Transforming Global Health Care

AI Without Borders: Transforming Global Health Care

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming virtual event on AI in global health that will take place online [1] April 9, 2025 / 12:00 – 1:15 PM ET. Join our expert panelists from China, India, Africa, and the United States as they explore where AI is transforming health care faster than in the US and Europe—and where it’s facing critical challenges. Discover:

• Where AI fills care gaps and where hurdles like regulation, health literacy, and workforce shortages slow progress.

• Actionable insights on deploying AI in lower-resource settings and what can be learned from these innovative approaches.

• Opportunities to collaborate and help accelerate implementation to positively impact global health.

Don’t miss this chance to understand global trends in AI-driven clinical care and how they can shape your strategy.


Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know

Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know

Patient demand for mental and behavioral health services has surged to unprecedented levels. For many health care organizations, meeting this demand has been compounded by staffing shortages as well as challenges with reimbursement and payment models. The good news? With innovative care redesign and digital solutions, health care providers and their organizations can transform mental and behavioral health care delivery.

Join us online [1] at March 13, 2025 / 12:00 – 1:45 PM ET for Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know, a virtual event designed to equip health care leaders and clinicians with the information they need to take action. Discover:

1. Optimized ways to provide care – including outpatient therapy and different types of medication – to many patients.
2. How to rethink reimbursement models.
3. Why value-based payment must be part of the solution.


European Health Data Space

We are delighted to invite you to virtually participate in the European Health Data Space – Unlocking Europe’s  Health Data Future Together. Organised under the Polish Presidency, this event marks the adoption of the EHDS regulation, a groundbreaking step in establishing a secure and trusted framework for sharing health data across the EU.

The EHDS aims to empower individuals with greater control over their health data while also creating opportunities for better public health policies and innovative medical research. It fosters an interoperable ecosystem that enhances cross-border healthcare and supports a single network for digital health services and products within Europe, ensuring standardised regulations and interoperability that enable companies and healthcare providers to collaborate effectively across borders.

Event details:

  1. Registration link: Please click here [1] to start the registration.
    Your virtual participation will contribute to shaping the discussions and fostering collaborations essential to the successful implementation of the EHDS. We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by registering no later than 3rd of March.
  2. Date: 18 March 2025.
  3. Streaming platform: The link will be shared 1 week before the conference.
  4. Agenda of the conference: Link to online agenda [2].

The programme includes high-profile keynote speakers and insightful panel discussions, in addition to providing networking opportunities with EU policymakers, healthcare professionals, patients representatives, researchers, and industry leaders. Key topics will be the transformative potential of the EHDS, its promise for seamless health data exchange, and the shared European vision for improving healthcare delivery and innovation.

Warm regards,
EHDS conference organisation team
On behalf of the European commission



Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to eTELEMED 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. eTELEMED 2025 is scheduled to be May 18 – 22, 2025 in Nice, France under the DigitalWorld 2025 umbrella. Submission (full paper) deadline: Extended to February 18, 2025. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals. All events will be held in a hybrid mode: on site, prerecorded videos, voiced presentation slides, pdf slides.

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Vitalis 2025

Join Us at Vitalis 2025, The Largest eHealth Event in Scandinavia and Your Gateway to the Nordic Market!

If you’re interested in exploring the Nordic market, Vitalis 2025 [1] is the perfect platform for you. Don’t miss the chance to be part of Scandinavia’s largest eHealth event. We’re excited to welcome you to Vitalis 2025 and make it a memorable experience.

SMHe25: Smart&Mobile Health

In the name of International Institute of TeleMedicine’s (IITM) Chairman, Prof. Francesco Sicurello, we are pleased to invite you to the Smart&Mobile Health International Workshop (SMHe’25) that will take place hybrid (on-line and on-site) on January 31th 2025 at  Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication DISCoand / Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Call for papers and participation deadline is January 16th 2026.

Workshop topics:

  • Sensors, biodevices, wearable, Implantable
  • Electronic patient record and Medical data bases
  • Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) & Telemonitoring
  • Tele-Home care and integrated Digital Health
  • Robotics and telerehabilitation
  • Stimulation and Regeneration
  • Mobile, smart media and prevention
  • Social media and health promotion and education
  • Social network and Apps in healthcare
  • On line Community in medicine
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
  • Sport andTelemedicine

Call For Papers


TeleMediCare 2024

We are sharing invitation to TeleMediCare ‘24 (Tele-Medicine & Tele-Care) Conference For International Cooperation on Global Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. This year event will also include:

  • XVIII Seminario Nazionale (Italian National Workshop) Dall’Ospedale al Territorio, ruolo dei Poliambulatori specialistici, Case della Salute, Medicna di Base nelle Prevenzione, Monitoraggi sanitari e Riabilitazione, Campagna e Giornate di Prevenzione e Salute.
  • XIV – International Workshop for Elderly People, Chronic Diseases, Fragility and Disability, Biosensors, IoT, Robotics, Telemonitoring, Telerehabilitation, AAL-Ambient Assisted Living.

Even is organized in form of On-Site and On-Line Meetings, on October 2-3 2024, at Città di Desio-MBm / Desio City. Last CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline is September 1st 2024.


EMMIT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I am proud to invite you to the Mediterranean Meeting of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (EMMIT 2024). This year, its 20th edition, will be held September 13-14 in Sicily at the municipality of Raffadali-Agrigento in on-site and online mode, during the pistachio festival and as part of the Med Inclusion Week. Conference program is attached [1].

The title given this year is Artificial lntelligence, One Health and Digital Health, applied in particular to the prevention, control, telemonitoring and telerehabilitation of chronic diseases and to the prediction of diagnostic and therapeutic developments of pathologies.

The meeting is freely open to members of GIAM [2], the Italian Group of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and to the Euro-Mediterranean members of EMMIT [3]. At the end of each session, national of Guam, and international of EMMIT, on September 13th in the afternoon, we will hold assemblies to discuss future initiatives and projects and renew the organizational and scientific Board. If you wish, old and new affiliates may participate, in good standing by early September with the membership, see attached membership forms to its scientific communities.

Hoping for participation, I send
Kind regards
Francesco Sicurello
President Iitm/Emmit

[1] EMMIT 2024 Conference Program.
[2] GIAM Membership Form.
[3] EMMIT 2024 Membership Form.

Telemedicine and e-Health 2024 (TiEZ 2024)

Ladies and Gentlemen, as every year, we are pleased to invite you to the international conference Telemedicine and eHealth 2024, which will be held on 5th September 2024. This year we go hybrid online and in person at the Mechatronics Faculty of Warsaw University of Technology [mchtr]. Detailed information can be found on our website’s CONFERENCE section (top menu) [tiez2024]. The deadline for submitting abstracts is May 31 2024. It is also possible to submit full texts of articles (the notification of interest deadline is May 31 2024, while the deadline for submission of full papers is August 31 2024). Industry participants are welcomed to become conference sponsors and present their state-of-the-art commercial solutions. See you there!

Szanowni Państwo, jak co roku serdecznie zapraszamy na konferencję Telemedycyna i eZdrowie 2024, która odbędzie się w dniach 5 Września 2024. W tym roku spotykamy się w formie hybrydowej online oraz osobiście na Wydziale Mechatroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej [mchtr]. Szczegóły znajdują się w sekcji KONFERENCJA (górne menu) naszej strony www [tiez2024]. Termin nadsyłania Streszczeń mija 31 Maja 2024. Istnieje możliwość nadsyłania pełnych artykułów naukowych (termin deklaracji zainteresowania publikacją mija 31 Maja 2024, termin nadsyłania tekstu pełnego artykułu mija 31 Sierpnia 2024). Zapraszamy również firmy do zostania sponsorem konferencji i zapresentowania własnych rozwiązań w obszarze Telemedycyna i e-Zdrowie. Do zobaczenia!



World Summit on the Information Society+20

The World Summit on the Information Society+20 High Level Event (WSIS+20) [1] will be taking place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 to 31 May 2024. Participation is free and open to all to attend, in person or virtually. The registration and accreditation processes are actually due to close tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd. The ITU registration portal can be found here [2].

WHO’s participation is in line with facilitation of the action line C7 on eHealth [3], which is co-facilitated by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). As per WSIS+20 agenda, the WHO action line report will be presented on Friday, 31 May 2024, 10:00-10:45 CEST/UTC+2 in Innovate Space, at the ITU HQ.

Prior to the regular WSIS report on the C7 eHealth action line on Friday 31 May 2024, and as a WSIS related event, the Global Initiative on Digital Health [4] and partners will be hosting a two-day Multistakeholder Dialogue on National Digital Health Transformation at the ITU Towers on 28 and 29 May 2024. The theme of the dialogue will be Enabling Country-Led Digital Health Architecture. Additional information on the two-day event will follow soon and will also be available at Global Initiative on Digital Health ( [4].

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Światowy Dzień Własności Intelektualnej 2024

Szanowni Państwo,

Urząd Patentowy RP zaprasza do udziału w konferencji organizowanej wspólnie z Politechniką Warszawską w ramach Światowego Dnia Własności Intelektualnej. W tym roku tematem przewodnim będą cele zrównoważonego rozwoju w systemie ochrony własności intelektualnej. Konferencja odbędzie się w trybie stacjonarnym w dniu 23 kwietnia 2024 roku, w siedzibie Politechniki Warszawskiej przy ul. Rektorskiej 4 w Warszawie. Jej rozpoczęcie przewidziane jest na godzinę 10.00. Aby wziąć w niej udział wymagana jest uprzednia rejestracja.

Więcej informacji o wydarzeniu, program konferencji a także formularz rejestracyjny znajdą Państwo tutaj.

Serdecznie zapraszamy!


Dear Colleague, Dear Friend,

Many people of our scientific community are involved in medical informatics and telemedicine, in general in ehealth or Digital Health since more than 40 years with research, innovation, education activities on computing in medicine, hospital information systems, artificial intelligence and data analytics in Health care. In this last 25 years we created a large network of experts in these scientific fields, participating to bilateral and multilateral projects , meetings, courses and schools at different levels National, euromediterranean and International. After several workshops and conference in many countries (Usa, UK,Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Canada, Australia, France, Romania, Lebanon, Israel, etc.). Just 10 years ago in Geneva we organized the Imit conference continuing in other cities until the period of Covid pandemic, organizing events in modality on line.

Now we want to continue in presence by means the next International Conference of our associated group of International Medical informatics and Telemedicine in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on next June 20-22. This appointment wants also to restart the development and comparison of projects and scientific initiatives expecially in this period of post Covid pandemic when many applications of telemedicine services have been used. Today the strong development of pratical systems of artificial intelligence applied to different social fields and even the Health care.

In attach the call for paper [1] of the Imit@ conference on next June and the registration form [2] for participation and for to become member of our International associated scientific community.

Hoping in your interest and participation, receive my
Best Regards
Francesco Sicurello

[1] Call For Papers.
[2] Registration Form.

Konferencja Naukowa Niepodzielne Zdrowie

Serdecznie zapraszamy na Konferencję Naukową Niepodzielne Zdrowie – interakcje ze zdrowiem psychicznym – organizowaną przez Poznańską Akademię Medyczna Nauk Stosowanych w dniu 24 kwietnia 2024 w Poznaniu (stacjonarnie i online) [1].

Zapotrzebowanie na pomoc psychologiczną i opiekę psychiatryczną wzrasta od wielu lat. Pandemia COVID-19 i wojna w Ukrainie to wydarzenia, które przyczyniły się do zwiększenia poczucia zagrożenia, lęku i niepewności. Okres pandemii wymusił przyspieszenie przemian technologicznych w codziennym życiu, w pracy, szkolnictwie i lecznictwie. Konieczność adaptacji do tych przemian wpłynęła na funkcjonowanie społeczeństwa, oddziałując na trzy sfery zdrowia: fizyczną, psychiczną i społeczną.

Istotnym założeniem przyświecającym konferencji jest teza, że zdrowie jest niepodzielne. Zgodnie z definicją zdrowia Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia, trzy sfery zdrowia (fizyczna, psychiczna i społeczna) wzajemnie się przenikają i oddziałują na siebie. W sektorze zdrowia dostrzeżono potrzebę koordynacji opieki w chorobach somatycznych. Od października 2022 r. uruchomiono w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej NFZ program opieki
koordynowanej. Program ten spotkał się z dużo większym zainteresowaniem niż początkowo zakładano. W styczniu 2024 r. już dwa 2 tys. placówek POZ przystąpiło do tego projektu (ok. 30 proc. podmiotów).

Przedmiotem działania opieki koordynowanej są jednostki chorobowe wymagające współpracy terapeutycznej kilku specjalizacji lekarskich i innych zawodów medycznych. Potrzeba koordynacji dotyczy zwłaszcza pacjentów z wielochorobowością, którzy stanowią znaczącą część populacji. Dotychczas koordynacja świadczeń i współpraca w opiece nad pacjentem między przedstawicielami specjalności lekarskich i innych zawodów medycznych była realizowana nieefektywnie. Wprowadzenie programu opieki koordynowanej w 2022 r. to kluczowa zmiana w organizacji opieki podstawowej w systemie ochrony zdrowia w Polsce.

Wyzwaniem, które nadal czeka na uwagę administracji ochrony zdrowia jest koordynacja opieki w chorobach somatycznych współistniejących z zaburzeniami zdrowia psychicznego, wymagająca włączenia do współpracy terapeutycznej psychologów i psychoterapeutów.


Tecnologie Info-Asistive e riabilitative e One Health e Digital Health 2023

Gentile Collega,

anche quest’anno avrà luogo la 2 Edizione della Settimana Mediterranea inclusiva (Med Inclusion Week), il 10-17 settembre 2023 in Provincia di Agrigento (Sicilia), Porta del Mediterraneo e Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2025 (tra monti Sicani, valle del Platani, Sagra del Pistacchio e valle dei Templi).

Nell’ambito di tale settimana si terranno due workshop scientifici (in attach la call for paper dei due eventi):

  • Uno, il 15 settembre 2023, presso il Comune di Bivona su Tecnologie Info-Assistive, Biosensori, Terapie digitali e Teleriabilitazione.
  • E l’altro, il 16 Settembre, nel Comune di Raffadali (durante la Sagra del Pistacchio) sul tema della One Health, Digital Health, Telemedicina.

La partecipazione ai workshop è gratuita per i soci @itim ed EMMIT e per i sostenitori dell’Osservatorio OTive (Tecnologie Inclusive, Assistive, Riabilitative, Rigenerative) o della piattaforma CeliachiaNet (per maggiori informazioni contattare la segreteria).

Sperando nella partecipazione in presenza o a distanza e/o anche con contributo scientifico, invio

Cari saluti
Francesco Sicurello

Se può interessare si allega anche la brochure del master ASIDIR presso l’Università di Milano Bicocca per il prossimo Anno Accademico 2023-24



Dear Temedicine and e-Health Enthusiasts, we are forwarding an invitation to contribute to the topic of „Tele-Medicine and e-Health”, or any others included among the topics suggested in the Special Track on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics: BMIC 2023, being organized in the context of the 27th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2023, which is organized in Orlando, Florida, USA, and will be held on September 12 – 15, 2023.

You can submit your article at:

The Proceedings of WMSCI and all its collocated events have been indexed by Elsevier’s SCOPUS since 2005. The 2023 proceedings will also be sent to Elsevier’s SCOPUS.

The conference will also be jointly held with:

  • The 17th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics, and Informatics: IMSCI 2023
  • The 21st International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2023

More details regarding these and other collocated events and special tracks can be found at:

The new deadlines for this 2nd CFP are as follows:

  • July 7th, 2023: Article submissions
  • July 7th, 2023: Invited session proposals
  • July 26th, 2023: Notifications of acceptance
  • August 10th, 2023: Uploading of camera-ready or final version

Both synchronous and asynchronous virtual presentations are possible. Therefore, the authors who participate virtually in the conference have the option of:

  • Submitting a slide show and/or a pre-recorded video of their presentation (asynchronous presentation) or
  • Making their presentation via Zoom (synchronous presentation)

Additionally, each paper to be presented at the event may be read and commented on, via electronic forums, and evaluated by those participants who have registered for the conference.

You also have the option to contribute as a member of the Organizing Committee by accepting our invitation for organizing an invited or special session, where you would have the responsibility of promoting your session and reviewing the articles submitted to you. You should appoint your own reviewers to support you. Effective organizers will be included as co-editors of the volume of the proceedings in which the papers of the session(s) that they organized have been included. If you accept this invitation, please submit your proposal through the conference web site.