SMHe25: Smart&Mobile Health

In the name of International Institute of TeleMedicine’s (IITM) Chairman, Prof. Francesco Sicurello, we are pleased to invite you to the Smart&Mobile Health International Workshop (SMHe’25) that will take place hybrid (on-line and on-site) on January 31th 2025 at  Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication DISCoand / Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italy). Call for papers and participation deadline is January 16th 2026.

Workshop topics:

  • Sensors, biodevices, wearable, Implantable
  • Electronic patient record and Medical data bases
  • Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) & Telemonitoring
  • Tele-Home care and integrated Digital Health
  • Robotics and telerehabilitation
  • Stimulation and Regeneration
  • Mobile, smart media and prevention
  • Social media and health promotion and education
  • Social network and Apps in healthcare
  • On line Community in medicine
  • Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
  • Sport andTelemedicine

Call For Papers


SSMHe24: Smart & Mobile Health, BioSensors, Medical Devices

Dear Colleagues,
In attachment the fast Call for Papers relating the 11° Workshop SMHe’24 on Biosensors/Medical devices for telemonitoring, therapy, rehabilitation. The meeting will be held in Milan on site (and on line) on January 30-31 2024. Hoping in your interest, receive my Best Regards and greetings for Happy New Year!
Francesco Sicurello

Smart Media and Mobile Health 2023

Dear Colleagues,

For the next Year 2023, as IITM and International Medical Informatics and Telemedicine community, we are planning to prepare and organize workshops, tutorials, courses, masters, winter/summer schools, conferences and meetings in the field of ICT in medicine,
e-Health, telemedicine, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, etc.

The first workshop-tutorial is SMMHe ’23 (Smart Media and Mobile Health) on January 30-31, 2023 (on line-on site modality) in Milan.

Hoping in your interest (on request some days before the events we send the link for accessing to the webinar).

Best Regards and Happy New Year 2023,
Francesco Sicurello

IEEE1752 Open Mobile Health Standard

Szanowni Państwo,

Przekazuję informację dotyczącą standaryzacji protokołów przesyłania danych mobilnych. Wersja 1.0 IEEE 1752.1 schemas została oficjalnie opublikowana na stronie Open Source [1]. Dokument standardu jest prawie gotowy i wkrótce zostanie opublikowany. To repozytorium zawiera standard IEEE dotyczący minimalnych metadanych w zakresie aktywności fizycznej i mobilności oraz miar snu dla 1752.1™ Standard for Mobile Health Data . Nad tymi standardami pracuje Grupa Robocza P1752 Standard for Mobile Health Data [2]. Więcej informacji na temat rodziny standardów P1752 dla grupy roboczej Mobile Health Data można znaleźć tutaj [3].

Jako członek tej grupy roboczej zapraszam zainteresowane osoby i instytucje do kontaktu bezpośredniego ze mną.
dr hab. inż. Antoni Grzanka


Smart Hospital and Mobile Health 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In attach the final program of the webinar on Smart Hospital and Mobile
Health for next March 12-13 [download].

The workshop is open and free. It is also a part of several events for
continuing and updating education of the IMIT/EMMIT community (in attach
for interested persons the membership Adesion form for this 2021 year [download]).

Hoping in your interest, receive my
Best regards
Francesco Sicurello