
Dear Colleague, Dear Friend,

Many people of our scientific community are involved in medical informatics and telemedicine, in general in ehealth or Digital Health since more than 40 years with research, innovation, education activities on computing in medicine, hospital information systems, artificial intelligence and data analytics in Health care. In this last 25 years we created a large network of experts in these scientific fields, participating to bilateral and multilateral projects , meetings, courses and schools at different levels National, euromediterranean and International. After several workshops and conference in many countries (Usa, UK,Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Canada, Australia, France, Romania, Lebanon, Israel, etc.). Just 10 years ago in Geneva we organized the Imit conference continuing in other cities until the period of Covid pandemic, organizing events in modality on line.

Now we want to continue in presence by means the next International Conference of our associated group of International Medical informatics and Telemedicine in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on next June 20-22. This appointment wants also to restart the development and comparison of projects and scientific initiatives expecially in this period of post Covid pandemic when many applications of telemedicine services have been used. Today the strong development of pratical systems of artificial intelligence applied to different social fields and even the Health care.

In attach the call for paper [1] of the Imit@ conference on next June and the registration form [2] for participation and for to become member of our International associated scientific community.

Hoping in your interest and participation, receive my
Best Regards
Francesco Sicurello

[1] Call For Papers.
[2] Registration Form.

IMIT 2023: Telemedicine in Emergency Care

Dear Friends,
In this particular period we have in front and are living several situations of emergency (from Covid Pandemic to war, from disasters to Earthquake, etc. As IMIT scientific community we want to stress that Telemedicine, Digital Health and ICT systems can favour and support better care, innovation, peace and worldwide cooperation. This special webinar, as last year, wants to be an occasion for the important role of telemedicine where experts can discuss and promote initiatives, ideas, projects, applications useful in order to reduce the health risks, help patients and promote peace and cooperation between people and countries.
Hoping in your interest and participation (in attach program in final preparation phase) and in your feedback and answer asap, receive my
Best Regards
Francesco Sicurello

imit 2023 program


Szanowni Państwo,

W imieniu prof. Francesco Sicurello serdecznie zapraszamy na V edycję konferencji „International Medical Informatics and Telemedicine”, która odbędzie się online 11 Kwietnia 2022r. Tegoroczna konferencja poświęcona będzie tematowi specjalnemu Pokojowi w Europie i Współpracy na Całym Swiecie w ramach sprzeciwu wojny na Ukrainie.


IMIT 2015

Szanowni Państwo Serdecznie zapraszamy na konferencję IMIT 2015 (INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INFORMATICS & TELEMEDICINE), która odbędzie się w ramach siódmego kongresu ICICIS’15 (International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems), na Uniewrsytecie Kairskim Ain Shams Cairo w Egipcie, w dniach 14-15 Grudnia 2015 roku. Załączamy broszurę informacyjną ze szczegółami [1].

[1] Broszura informacyjna PDF