The eGheH’23 XX International Conference organized by Associazione Italiana di Telemedicina
ed Informatica Medica and will take place in Ospedale Pio XI Desio/Monza-Brianza (Italy) on-site/on-line meeting on July 10, 2023. Call for papers deadline is June 27, 2023. Register at segreteria@iitm.International.
Conference is dedicated to e-government & e-health, climate changing, environmental disasters, war and post covid-19 pandemic digitalization of public administraton and health service, one digital health, epidemiology, telemedicine. Following sessions will take place:
- electronic documents, digital access and participation
- electronic signature / electronic identity cards
- biometrics, cryptography and security
- gdpr, data protection, privacy and legislation for digital society
- empowerment and engagement of citizen
- smart cards in p.A. And health services
- data bases and data banks in social health, medicine and epidemiology
- local, regional and national information systems in pa and healthcare
- internet services and web sites and portals
- government and health 2.0
- smart working and e-learning
- apps and mobile health
- smart and social media, sensors, networks and smart city
- iot, big data management and data analysis
- grid and cloud computing in pa and healthcare
- business intelligence in government and healthcare organizations
- ontology in health care and pa systems
- digital divide and international cooperation on ICT
- applications in government and health administrations
- data analytics and statistical software in medicine and epidemioly
- epidemiology, prevention, monitoring and sourvelliance of health risks