Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know

Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know

Patient demand for mental and behavioral health services has surged to unprecedented levels. For many health care organizations, meeting this demand has been compounded by staffing shortages as well as challenges with reimbursement and payment models. The good news? With innovative care redesign and digital solutions, health care providers and their organizations can transform mental and behavioral health care delivery.

Join us online [1] at March 13, 2025 / 12:00 – 1:45 PM ET for Mental Health Care in Crisis: What Clinicians and Leaders Need to Know, a virtual event designed to equip health care leaders and clinicians with the information they need to take action. Discover:

1. Optimized ways to provide care – including outpatient therapy and different types of medication – to many patients.
2. How to rethink reimbursement models.
3. Why value-based payment must be part of the solution.


The PROMIS International Collaboration

We are excited to inform you that, co-authored by Polish Telemedicine and e-Health Society member Dr Wojciech GLINKOWSKI, article Comparable Real-World Patient-Reported Outcomes Data Across Health Conditions, Settings, and Countries: The PROMIS International Collaboration, has been published in the Volume 5, Issue 9 (September 2024) of NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery [1]. The full table of contents can be viewed here. Full article access online is free at [2] or available for download below.
