Komunikacja w Medycynie 2021

Szanowni Państwo!

Mamy ogromną przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na kolejną, już piątą edycję Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej „Komunikacja w Medycynie”. Konferencja odbędzie się w piątek i sobotę 26-27 listopada 2021 r. hybrydowo: on-line z możliwością obecności stacjonarnie, w ramach limitu miejsc. Termin nadsyłania abstraktów wystąpień to 30 września br.


Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w Konferencji!
Komitet Organizacyjny V Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji „Komunikacja w Medycynie”

WayScience: The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic (Ukraine 2021)

Принимаем материалы для участия в 1й Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции

We invite you to take part in the 1st International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on development of modern world: threats and opportunities”, devoted to exchange of experience between scientists and practitioners from around the world in overcoming problems and finding development opportunities, related to COVID-19 Pandemic, in various fields and sciences.

The conference – September 9-10, 2021 (Dnipro, Ukraine).

Topics cover all sections of the International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal “WayScience”, namely: public administration, philosophical sciences, economic sciences, historical sciences, legal sciences, agricultural sciences, geographic sciences, pedagogical sciences, psychological sciences, sociological sciences, political sciences, philological sciences, technical sciences, medical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, other professional sciences.

Conference Website / Invitation PDF EN / Invitation PDF UKR

Summer Debates 2021 Ukraine

УВАЖАЕМЫЙ АВТОР! Принимаем материалы для участия в 3й Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции!

Dear Author! We invite you to take part in the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Integration of Education, Science and Business in Modern Environment: Summer Debates”, devoted to the search for the latest ideas for the development of state at the international, national and regional levels.


Conference date is August 11-12, 2021 (Dnipro, Ukraine). Deadline 11 August 2021. If you have any questions, please contact the editors of the International Electronic Scientific and Practical Journal „WayScience” by e-mail: wayscience@ukr.net

Telemedicine and e-Health 2021

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, as every year we are happy to invite you to Telemedicine and eHealth 2021 conference, that will take place on Septmber 17-18, 2021, this year we meet online only, details are located in CONFERENCE section (top menu) of our website. Abstract submission deadline has been extended to 31 August 2021 18:00UTC. You can also submit full article texts (notification deadline is 31 August 2021, article submission date is 27 September 2021). We also invite companies to become conference sponsors and present their state-of-the-art commercial solutions. See you there!

Szanowni Państwo, jak co roku serdecznie zapraszamy na konferencję Telemedycyna i eZdrowie 2021, która odbędzie się 17-18 Września 2021, w tym roku spotykamy się wyłącznie online, szczegóły znajdują się w sekcji KONFERENCJA (górne menu) naszej strony www. Termin nadsyłania Streszczeń został przedłużony do 31 Sierpnia 2021 do godziny 20:00. Istnieje możliwość nadsyłania pełnych artykułów naukowych (termin notyfikacji mija 31 Sierpnia 2021, termin nadsyłania artykułu mija 27 Września 2021). Zapraszamy również firmy do zostania sponsorem konferencji i zapresentowania własnych rozwiązań w obszarze Telemedycyna i e-Zdrowie. Do zobaczenia!



25th WMSCI USA 2021

We kindly invite you to contribute to the topic of „Tele-Medicine and e-Health”, or any others included among the topics suggested in the Special Track on Bio- and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics: BMIC 2021, being organized in the context of the 25th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2021, which will be held on July 18 – 21, 2021, in Orlando, Florida, USA.

You can submit your article at: http://www.iiis-2021conf.org/bmic

This conference has always contemplated the two modalities of participation: face to face and virtual. However, given the current Coronavirus situation and travel restrictions, at this moment we are only accepting submissions for virtual participation. If the situation changes and we feel the safety of our participants would not be at risk, we will start accepting submissions for face-to-face participation, and those authors who submitted their article for virtual participation will have the ability to change their participation modality to face-to-face, if they wish.

The Proceedings of WMSCI and all its collocated events have been indexed by Elsevier’s SCOPUS since 2005. The 2021 proceedings will also be sent to Elsevier’s SCOPUS.

The conference will also be jointly held with:

  • The 15th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics, and Informatics: IMSCI 2021
  • The 19th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2021

More details regarding these and other collocated events and special tracks can be found at: http://www.iiis-2021conf.org/cfp-summer2021.asp

The new deadlines for this 2nd CFP are as follows:

  • April 30th, 2021: Article submissions
  • April 30th, 2021: Invited session proposals
  • May 28th, 2021: Notifications of acceptance
  • June 16th, 2021: Uploading of camera-ready or final version

Both synchronous and asynchronous virtual presentations are possible. Therefore, the authors who participate virtually in the conference have the option of:

  • Submitting a slide show and/or a pre-recorded video of their presentation (asynchronous presentation) or
  • Making their presentation via Zoom (synchronous presentation)

Additionally, each paper to be presented at the event, virtually or in-person, may be read and commented on, via electronic forums, and evaluated by those participants who have registered for the conference.

You also have the option to contribute as a member of the Organizing Committee by accepting our invitation for organizing an invited or special session, where you would have the responsibility of promoting your session and reviewing the articles submitted to you. You should appoint your own reviewers to support you. Effective organizers will be included as co-editors of the volume of the proceedings in which the papers of the session(s) that they organized have been included. If you accept this invitation, please submit your proposal through the conference web site.

Keynote speakers will be selected from registered authors whose submissions are among the best according to their external reviewers. The identification of the best submissions will be based on the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the reviewers and the percentage of reviewers recommending the acceptance of the submission as related to all the reviewers who made their respective reviews. For this reason, we recommend you to submit your paper early.

Registered authors of accepted submissions will be invited to make an additional presentation with no additional charge , if such a presentation is oriented to inter-disciplinary communication. These authors will also have the option of writing an invited paper associated with their respective invited presentation.

Furthermore, the best papers presented at the conference, as selected by the audiences of each respective session, will also be published in the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JCSI). JSCI is indexed in EBSCO, Cabell, DOAJ, and Google Scholar and is listed in Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities and in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory.

For the past 24 years, professors, students, and researchers from all over the world have come together at our conferences to present research and engage in interdisciplinary discussion. It is this interdisciplinary focus that allows our attendees to discover new viewpoints they otherwise would not have discovered in a uni-disciplinary conference. These new viewpoints become intellectual seeds which, as they slowly bloom over time, expand their understanding of their own respective disciplines.

Many of our participants look forward to our conferences every year as they allow them to publish their papers, share their life’s work, create a network of influential and like-minded colleagues, and expand their ever-growing understanding of their respective disciplines, as well as learn about new disciplines. Some testimonials can be read clicking on the button „TESTIMONIALS” placed at the top of the left column of each of the conference web sites.

We hope to continue creating and expanding inter-disciplinary networks while facilitating the ever-growing expansion of each individual discipline represented at our conferences. We know this is only possible with contributions from people such as yourself. It is for this reason that we would greatly appreciate your contribution to the conference.

You are also welcome to forward this message to any appropriate colleagues and/or groups whose contributions would further promote the interdisciplinary growth of all the various disciplines represented in our conferences.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your contribution.


WMSCI-BMIC 2021 Organizing Committee

Smart Hospital and Mobile Health 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In attach the final program of the webinar on Smart Hospital and Mobile
Health for next March 12-13 [download].

The workshop is open and free. It is also a part of several events for
continuing and updating education of the IMIT/EMMIT community (in attach
for interested persons the membership Adesion form for this 2021 year [download]).

Hoping in your interest, receive my
Best regards
Francesco Sicurello

Telemedicine Poland 2021

Conference date has been shifted to 23-24 April 2021!
New Submission deadline is 9 April 2021!


The Center for Bioethics and Biolaw and the Department of Ethics of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw together with the Department of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine of the Medical University in Warsaw and Polish Telemedicine Society kindly invites you to the International Telemedicine Conference that will be held online on 23-24 April 2021. It will be a time for exchange of experiences from before the COVID-19 pandemic and to reflect on the last few months in the following areas:

  • telemedicine – an enhancement of or alternative to standard diagnosis and treatment; medical and ethical aspects of using AI in the support of decision-making processes of medical professionals and in the referrals of patients (triage); standardization and individualization of medical care;
  • doctor-patient relationship in the digital world: building trust in the distance relationship; credibility of information provided by patients in telemedicine; supporting patient compliance through applications and electronic devices; nudging ethics;
  • e-consent – legal regulation as well as ethical challenges and dangers related to the electronic patient’s informed consent; remote assessment of the patient’s capacity to consent; patient information and information comprehension testing; patients vulnerability;
  • ethical and legal aspects of collection, processing and sharing big data in clinical care, research and public health; cybersecurity and privacy protection in telemedicine, including health monitoring with wearable devices, smartphone apps (tracking, profiling, machine learning); moral and legal status of neuro-data; the question of legal regulation regarding acquisition and processing of neuro-data; implications of the debate on the status of genetic data regulation;
  • accessibility of medical care and equal access to services – opportunities and risks related to telemedicine tools; care of the electronically excluded patients; opportunities and challenges for telemedicine in the care of the elderly;
  • medical and ethical aspects of nursing care with the use of telemedicine tools;
  • telemedicine in the public health service; public health and citizens’ rights;
  • telemedicine and education: opportunities and challenges for health education; telemedicine as a challenge for the education of medical staff; continuing education of medical workers with the use of telemedicine tools;

The International Telemedicine Conference 2021 will be held online. All lectures and thematic sessions will be held using the videoconference platform. We will be able to see in practice what “tele” in telemedicine means. Additionally, we will be independent of the epidemiological situation. See you there!

Nursing & HealthCare 2020

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we delighted to invite you to “Webinar on Nursing & HealthCare”.


We organize webinars by offering virtual platform to all academicians, researchers and industry professionals. Webinars will be scheduled on wide range of topics and it will be helpful for scientific fraternity to be connected while staying at their preferred place. Join the webinars organized by us and let the world know about your research and innovation.

1. Career Development.
2. Make Virtual Connections.
3. Cost Effective as Travel, Accommodation is Not Required.
4. Convenient to All.

Europejska Dolina e-Zdrowia w Polsce

Szanowni Telemedycy i Sympatycy Telemedycyny, hub.brussels, Polskie Towarzystwo Telemedycyny i e-Zdrowia oraz Belgijska Izba Gospodarcza mają przyjemność zaprosić Państwa na

Seminarium online w dniu 17 listopada 2020, 13:00-14:30
pt. „Bruksela, Europejska Stolica E-Zdrowia”

przy okazji pierwszej prezentacji
Europejskiej Doliny E-Zdrowia w Polsce

Grupa prywatnych inwestorów (UCB Pharma, IBM Belgium …) we współpracy z Regionem Brukseli-Stolicy i Université Libre de Bruxelles zdecydowała o utworzeniu Europejskiej Doliny E-Zdrowia w Brukseli, wszechstronnego inkubatora, w którym utalentowane europejskie start-upy w dziedzinie e-zdrowia będą rozwijać swoje rozwiązania, uzyskując dostęp do ważnych klientów i programów europejskich.

Po prezentacjach uczestnicy będą mieli możliwość nieformalnej dyskusji z Kierownikiem projektu, Panem Renaud du Parc, oraz innymi prelegentami podczas sesji pytań i odpowiedzi.

Mieliśmy w planie zorganizowanie wydarzenia w Instytucie IBIB PAN wraz z networkingowym lunchem i degustacją belgijskich piw rzemieślniczych. Zostaliśmy jednak zmuszeni, z powodu wprowadzenia ograniczeń bezpieczeństwa w Warszawie, do odwołania naszej imprezy i przeniesienia jej skróconej wersji do Internetu.

Informacje i bezpłatna rejestracja do 16 listopada do godziny 12:00 na warsaw@hub.brussels, telefon 22 850 00 85.

Brussels, the new European Capital of E-Health
Within the framework of the Belgian Days 2020
17 November, 13:00-14:00

  • 13:00-13:05 Introduction: Mission and scope of the Polish Telemedicine & E-Health Society PTTM. Wojciech Glinkowski, MD, PHD, Chairman of the PTTMeZ.
  • 13:05-13:25 The E-Health-Valley in Brussels and overview of the Brussels & Belgian Medical Sector. An opportunity for Polish Start-ups. Renaud du Parc, Manager of the E-Health Valley Project.
  • 13:25-13:35 1st Testimony of the growth of a Brussels Start-Up MoveUp. Charles-Eric Winandy Founder, MoveUp.
  • 13:35-13:45 2nd Testimony of the growth of a Brussels Start-Up, Imagilys. Wojciech Gradkowski, MD, Partner, Imagilys.
  • 13:45-14:00 Questions & Answers

Z telemedycznym pozdrowieniem

NeuroSpine & NeuroInformatica 2020

Szanowni Państwo, mamy przyjemność przekazać zaproszenie na dwa międzynarodowe seminaria internetowe organizowane przez ITTM (Włochy/EU):

  1. NeuroSpine – V International Meeting, Regeneration & Rehabilitationin in Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries. November 16, 2020.
  2. NeuroInformatica – IX Workshop Nazionale, Intelligenza Artificiale, NeuroRobotica, BCI, Teleneurologia, 17 Novembre, 2020.

TiEZ2019 termin nadsyłania prac

Uprzejmie informujemy o przedłużonym terminie nadsyłania prac na konferencję Telemedycyna i e-Zdrowie 2019. Nowy termin to 6 październik 2019.

We kindly inform you about extended deadline for papers submission at Telemedicine and e-Health 2019 conference. New deadline is October 6 2019.

Formularz Rejestracji / Registration Form:

XXIV Międzynarodowy Kongres OSOZ

Szanowni Państwo,
9 kwietnia br. w Międzynarodowym Centrum Kongresowym w Katowicach odbędzie się XXIV. Międzynarodowy Kongres Otwartego Systemu Ochrony Zdrowia „Lecznictwo Szpitalne – Druga Linia Ochrony na Platformie OSOZ”.

Spodziewamy się ok. 1000 ekspertów e-zdrowia, menedżerów, przedstawicieli instytucji rządowych i pozarządowych, farmaceutów, lekarzy, pielęgniarek i położnych, diagnostów laboratoryjnych, pacjentów. Planujemy łącznie 10 sesji tematycznych oraz liczne dyskusje. Forum uświetni uroczysta Gala Liderów Ochrony Zdrowia, podczas której poznamy laureatów tegorocznej edycji prestiżowego Konkursu Liderów Ochrony Zdrowia. 

Kongres OSOZ jest miejscem dyskusji nad zagadnieniami nowoczesnej ochrony zdrowia, gdzie technologie e-zdrowia wspierają opiekę nad pacjentem, jakość, koordynację leczenia i profilaktyki oraz zdrowe i aktywne starzenie się. Organizatorem wydarzenia jest czasopismo OSOZ Polska.

[1] http://www.osoz.pl

Telemedicine and eHealth 2018 [EN|PL]

Telemedicine and eHealth 2018 December 14-15 2018

Dear Telemedicine Specialists and Enthusiasts,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the „Telemedicine and eHealth 2018” conference! The „Telemedicine and eHealth 2018” conference will be held in Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5B, Warsaw, POLAND, on December 14-15, 2018.

The Conference is organized by the Polish Telemedicine and eHealth Society. Co-organizers are Polish National Contact Point for EU Research Programmes (KPK), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences and Center of Excellence “TeleOrto” for Telediagnostics and Treatment of Injuries and Disorders of the Locomotor System at Medical University of Warsaw.

We encourage you to join and take part in this important event, present your work and ideas, find new contacts, listen to interesting research results and get familiar with upcoming solutions. Abstract submission deadline is November 25, 2018; 24:00. Please send your abstracts to konferencje [at] telemedycyna.org.

Abstract Guideline

The title of the document must contain information characterising the author. Abstract (Polish and English) cannot contain more than 300 words. Surname, First name initial, number of affiliation (marked with upper index). Affiliation (Unit, College, City, Country or Company, City, Country).The abstract should contain four paragraphs:

  • Introduction
  • Material and Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Under the abstract, 3 to 5 keywords should be placed (Polish and English). The submitted abstract cannot be previously published or presented. Works submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Works sent by post or fax will also not be accepted. Abstracts and selected papers will be published at http://www.e-health.pl/page/4/ (ISSN 2544-8412). Each submitted summary will be evaluated by reviewers selected from the Scientific Committee of the Conference.

e-Proster Session

The E-poster session Preparing the poster for the presentation. The presentation of e-planners can be prepared only in PDF format. 1-page poster. Format: 16×9. Horizontal orientation.

Planned Sessions

  • Research programs (KPK Session)
  • IPPT PAN session
  • PJATK session
  • PTI session
  • Session dedicated to Patient Oriented Outcomes research instruments
  • General session
  • Social Media Session
  • Session of Law and Telemedicine / eHealth
  • Session mHealth and other applications
  • What’s new in eHealth in Poland?

Conference Fees

  • Early Bird Conference fee before Nov. 25 2018: 200 PLN
  • Conference fee after Nov. 25 2018: 400 PLN
  • Early Bird Conference fee for PTS Members* before Nov.25,2018:100 PLN
  • Conference fee for PTS Members* after Nov. 25, 2018: 200 PLN
  • Gold Sponsor: 5000PLN
  • Silver Sponsor: 3000PLN
  • Brown Sponsor: 1000PLN

[*] Society applicants  are also considered as members if applied for the membership before the deadline.

Bank Millennium S.A.
IBAN: PL70 1160 2202 0000 0000 2643 2335

Polskie Towarzystwo TeleMedycyny i e-Zdrowia
ul. Targowa 39A/5
03-728 Warszawa


Invoices for conference fees will be issued after the conference and sent via e-mail in a PDF file. Please send (using CONTACT FORM) exact invoice details.


  • Istituto Internazionale di Tele-Medicina
  • Mazovian Branch of The Polish Information Processing Society (PTI)
  • The Polish Information Processing Society Section „eHealth-life without barriers.”
  • MB
  • HP

General Assembly of Members

On December 14 2018 after the first day of Conference a General Assembly of Members will take place for Polish Telemedicine and eHealth Society..

Telemedycyna i e-Zdrowie 2018, Grudzień 14-15 2018

Szanowni Telemedycy i Sympatycy Telemedycyny,

Mamy ogromną przyjemność zaprosić Państwa do uczestnictwa w konferencji „Telemedycyna i eZdrowie 2018”! Konferencja odbędzie się w Instytucie Podstawowych Problemów Techniki w Warszawie przy ul. Pawińskiego 5B, w dniach 14-15 grudnia  2018. Konferencję organizuje Polskie Towarzystwo Telemedycyny i eZdrowia. Współorganizatorem Konferencji jest Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych Unii EuropejskiejInstytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, oraz Centrum Doskonałości „TeleOrto” Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.

Zachęcamy do udziału w tym ważnym międzynarodowym wydarzeniu, na którym można będzie przedstawić swoje wyniki i pomysły, pozyskać nowe kontakty do współpracy, posłuchać o wynikach prac zespołów badawczych, a także nadchodzących nowościach i rozwiązaniach. Prace można nadsyłać do godziny 24:00 25 Listopada 2018. Prace prosimy nadsyłać na adres konferencje [at] telemedycyna.org.

Walne Zgromadzenie Członków PTTMeZ

W dniu 14.12.2018r. po obradach Konferencji Telemedycyna i eZdrowie 2018 Zarząd Stowarzyszenia zwołuje Zgromadzenie Członków. Plan porządku obrad:
1. Otwarcie Zgromadzenia.
2. Sprawozdanie Zarządu i Skarbnika PTTMeZ.
3. Dyskusja nad sprawozdaniem.
4. Wolne wnioski.
5. Zakończenie Zgromadzenia Członków PTTMeZ.

Opłaty Konferencyjne

  • Wczesna opłata konferencyjna do 25.11.2018: 200 PLN
  • Późna opłata konferencyjna od 26.11.2018: 400 PLN
  • Opłata dla członków Towarzystwa* przed 25.11 2018: 100 PLN·
  • Opłata dla członków Towarzystwa* od 26.11.2018: 200 PLN
  • Sponsor Złoty: 5000PLN
  • Sponsor Srebrny: 3000PLN
  • Sponsor Brązowy: 1000PLN

[*] Osoby aplikujące o przyjęcie do PTTMeZ także uzyskują prawo do zniżki dla członków o ile wysłali deklarację członkowską i opłacili składkę roczną przed datą zakończenia rejestracji.

Opłaty należy wnosić na rachunek
IBAN: PL70 1160 2202 0000 0000 2643 2335

Polskie Towarzystwo TeleMedycyny i e-Zdrowia
ul. Targowa 39A/5
03-728 Warszawa

Światowy Dzień Osteoporozy 2018

Szanowni Państwo,

Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium z okazji obchodów Światowego Dnia Osteoporozy w dniu 20 października 2018 (sobota). Organizację tego corocznego wydarzania wzięły na siebie Polskie Towarzystwo Telemedycyny i e-Zdrowia i Stowarzyszenie Entuzjastów Zdrowej Kości z Konieczności.

Program seminarium wypełnią w tym roku referaty poświęcone:
1. Epidemiologii złamań końca bliższego kości udowej u osób po pięćdziesiątym roku życia w Polsce.
2. Prewencyjnemu leczeniu operacyjnemu sposobem augmentacji końca bliższego kości udowej.
3. Postępowaniu w osteoporotycznych, kompresyjnych złamaniach trzonów kręgów.

Gościem specjalnym obchodów tego dnia w Polsce będzie w tym roku Profesor James Howe (USA). Planowany czas seminarium nie przekroczy 2 godzin. Rozpoczęcie pierwszej prezentacji o godzinie 9:30. Seminarium odbędzie się w Warszawie przy ul Lindleya 4, pawilon 20, 4 piętro, sala Akademii Aeskulapa (nad Kliniką Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narządu Ruchu).

Z poważaniem,
Wojciech Glinkowski MD, PhD